Surrey Hills Nordic Walking

We provide Nordic walking coaching in and around Dorking and the Surrey Hills, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in South East England – and our local outdoor gym! Walk yourself fit and explore the stunning surroundings at the same time. We run coaching for absolute beginners, refresher workshops and regular guided group walks – choose the sessions that suit you. There is a level for everyone, anywhere. 

Nordic walking is the perfect all round low-impact cardiovascular exercise, great for your physical and mental fitness and wellbeing…

– working your upper and lower body
– using 90% of your skeletal muscles and toning your legs, bottom, chest, shoulders and arms
– burning 20-40% more calories than ordinary walking but feeling easier – it’s the “power of poles”!
Nordic walking with us requires no expensive equipment or clothing – we can provide you with poles for all sessions and classes, or advise you on what to choose if you decide to buy your own.
Get fitter, faster and stronger with Surrey Hills Nordic Walking – come and turn your walk in to a workout!
Nordic Walking UK Delivery Partner.
Fully insured.
First Aid qualified.

Get in touch to find out how and follow us on Facebook to see what we are doing.

Tel: 07717 294 818

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