Catherine is a patient and encouraging teacher, making sure that every student learns the Nordic Walking techniques properly — and doesn’t slack off later either! She plans walks well so walkers can enjoy different views and seasonal highlights, with advance briefings about the weather, terrain and season. No one gets left behind — she ensures the needs of both faster and slower members are met. If someone wants to walk quietly, that’s fine — but anyone who wants to chat will always be welcomed. Warmups, cool downs and the option of a post-walk coffee with new friends — Catherine covers every detail to make sure any walk with her is good exercise and good fun.



KM, October 2018

Absolutely recommend. Catherine is a very experienced Nordic walker.  I always feel I have had a great workout.


CO, November 2018

“An exhilarating Nordic walk […] led by Catherine is such a great way to keep fit and enjoy the beautiful landscape.”


BM, November 2018

“I decided to try Nordic Walking after I met Catherine […] 4 years ago. I had just cut my working hours from full time to 2 days a week and needed a new challenge. I signed up for Catherine’s training course but because I was still working I couldn’t always make the times the group was being held.

Catherine went out of her way to  make sure I completed the course. She is an excellent teacher, never making you feel silly and always encouraging. I joined one of her walking groups and came to appreciate the pleasure and benefits of Nordic Walking.

I recommend Nordic walking to all my friends especially those who have problems with their knees and hips as it provides great support.”


BS, November 2018

Catherine’s Nordic Walking classes are brilliant! She is an excellent teacher, explaining everything carefully and never making you feel that Nordic Walking is a skill you’ll never achieve! The other people I’ve met have all been delightful to know and it makes the walk even more enjoyable when the company is so pleasant.


AU, November 2018

I trained with Catherine Lyon 3 years ago and haven’t looked back. I had to give up jogging/running because of arthritis in my ankles and Nordic walking has been my saviour, not only physically but also mentally at a time of grief in my life.

I now Nordic walk weekly and most enjoy Catherine classes, the outdoor exercise, the fresh air and the company of other Nordic walkers.


RG, October 2018

“Nordic walking with Catherine is my favourite part of a busy week. I have always been meaning to start an exercise class but the gym doesn’t appeal….. it’s great to know that what seems like such a gentle form of exercise is actually excellent for working the upper body as well as the lower body.”

AB, October 2018

“Every walk seems to take us somewhere  different … and is probably as good for the mind and the soul as it is for the body. I’d recommend the sport, and Catherine’s groups in particular, to anyone looking for an exercise class, pleasant company, fresh air, and some really good fun.”


“I have really enjoyed learning from you: you have been a very encouraging and inspiring teacher! You have certainly transmitted me your passion for Nordic walking!”